

DPCW Advocacy

Advocacy for DPCW

IWPG realizes that each of the articles of the DPCW holds specific methods to institutionalize and achieve peace.
What is most needed for the institutionalization of DPCW is the support of women who raise their voices on the atrocities of war and the value of peace.
IWPG is uniting with women worldwide to conduct various activities that urge that the DPCW be introduced into the UN.

Online・Offline DPCW Signature Campaigns IWPG collected signatures of women who support the institutionalization of DPCW.
The Signature Campaign website is written in 8 languages so that anyone can participate.
Offline activities are also taking place with various government institutions and citizens to encourage the participation of more people.

Campaigns Urging for the Institutionalization of DPCW IWPG has various campaigns that focus on each article of the DPCW, such as anti-arms campaigns, female empowerment campaigns, and more.
IWPG also works to make sure that the DPCW is legally binding by writing letters on the DPCW to heads of state.
In 2022, immediately after the breakout of the Russia-Ukraine war, IWPG urged female leaders around the world to send a Letter of Request for the Cessation of War in Russia.

Advocacy for a Peace Treaty on the Korean Peninsula The Republic of Korea is the world’s last divided country and only ceasefire state.
For war to truly come to an end all around the world, peace must also come to the Korean peninsula.
IWPG is gathering women all around the world to urge for a peace treaty between the two Koreas.
In 2017, IWPG announced a statement supporting the unification of the Korean Peninsula and conducted a 10 Million Signature Campaign for Urging for a Peace Agreement for the Cessation of War on the Korean Peninsula. This campaign started in Seoul, Korea, and spread all around the world with the support of many like-minded people.